
This website has been specially created to support your Digital First language learning experience with Languages for All.

You will find a range of different exercises including image matching, sentence building, multiple choice quizzes, fill in the blanks and more.

Most exercises provide instant feedback so you will be able to keep track of your scores and see the progress you make. In some cases, you will also see a brief explanation to help you figure out or signpost important grammatical points.

Your teacher will direct which exercises you need to complete each week, so keep an eye on the learning materials published on Canvas for further instruction.

For more information about Languages for All and our new Digital First framework, please visit our website: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/lfa

If you have any issues or questions related to the website, please visit the help section in the top right-hand corner of this website. If not resolved, please email p.milin@bham.ac.uk